Thursday, 16 July 2015

Knitted Farmyard Fantasy fairytale update

So, the project is nearing a close now, as the rug base has been stretched and backed, the edges bound.
All the major buildings are in: so we have The knitted castle, the gingerbread house, the grannie's cottage for red riding hood, and 3 littles pigs houses, knitted to look like straw, sticks and brick, of course.
Many Pompoms make up the hedgerows, but these have not been stitched in place yet. I also need all the flowers and vegetables in the fields and garden.
But, very nearly there!

Knitted Farmyard, Knitted fairytale fantasy Land

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The knitted Farmyard and fairy - tale fantasy Land

knitted castle
So, the Fantasy Land / knitted farmyard has become a real family endeavour, and is looking amazing, although still a way off completion still. My mother has knitted the fab castle and cottages, as well as the animals, and even my son's girlfriend (17yrs) has been making many many pom-pom bushes for me - Thank- You Alexa!
There was a set back with the company I used to buy the rug wool, no longer having the colour green I had been using, so I had to redesign the layout slightly, but I think it will work out ok.

The theme is generally classic fairy tales, so the castle can be for Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Rapunzel etc

Amazing knitted castle with working drawbridge

Farmers cottage

Knitted farm animals

Hansel and Gretel with the witch's Gingerbread House

Still to come are Cottages for little Red Riding Hood and possibly the 3 little pigs houses.
There will be trees in the forest for the wolf to be hiding in too!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Knitted Farmyard one year on - progress

Well, a huge amount of progress has been made on the knitted farmyard, the end is in sight! The ploughed fields need to be sewn down, and there is another one to do, and then I move on to the second piece of rug canvas which will be more fantasy land, it will include a knitted garden theme, the base for the castle, and moat, and of course, then all the little bushes, animals, and people.